The goal of the Advanced Course in Abstracting is for students to evaluate and perfect informative abstracts in their own and related fields, comparing existing abstracts with the full text (mainly Research Articles) to which they refer. The text may be in English or in Spanish, Portuguese or German. If the existing abstract is not in English, it is to be translated and, as necessary, adapted.[1]

[1] There is no objection to course participants seeking help with this latter task, if they feel that a lack of competence in writing English makes that necessary; however, the participant is responsible  for quality control.

  • a thorough understanding of the moves employed in informative abstracts, and of the need to avoid predominantly indicative abstracts in the hard (natural) sciences, medicine, economics and the social sciences.

Course Information

Difficulty: or alertness to inconsistencies between the abstract and the text (often in different languages).

Course Instructor

Robert K. Walker Robert K. Walker Instructor

Dr. Walker has many years of experience as a translator, consultant evaluator for international development projects, and university professor. Recently, two interests have coalesced: abstracting and internet marketing. EDUCATION Doctorate in Education from the University of Massachusetts. Master of Science from Cornell University in the Sociology of Development and Latin American Studies. B.A. in Sociology from the University of Michigan. EXPERIENCE International consultant in the field of program evaluation, for international organizations and their projects. Professor of Sociology, Eduction and Translation Studies at six U.S. and Latin American universities.

Advanced Course in Abstractling

20 weeks of access

Normally, half of the price ($75) is due upon enrollment. You would then have 20 weeks to meet all the instructional objectives. As soon as you met them, you would need to pay the other $75.00 to receive your certificate of conclusion. Work as fast as you can, because time is money! If you missed the 20 week deadline, you would forfeit your initial payment.
But this discounted option entitles you to avoid that hastle. Just pay $135 up front, and that’s it.
Just one detail: normally the Introductory Course is a prerequisite to the Advanced Course.